Det här bloggandet går ju inte alls bra. Kanske borde jag sänka ambitionsnivån lite?
Jag lever i alla fall och befinner mig i en polares lägenhet i Wien. Vad som hände innan det får jag se till att berätta lite om när jag kommit hem igen och då får ni se bilder med.
Imorgon tar jag natttåget till Rom där kärlekens kusin pluggar Italienska. Jag bestämde mig för att ta in på ett hotell som var lite dyrare än vandrarhemmen men som i gengäld har gratis AC på rummet.
På fredag eftermiddag landar jag på Stockholmen igen.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Monday, 4 July 2011
I'm trying out a new Blogger app. I don't seem to be able to create any form of layout so I'll just post a bunch of random pictures from my days I'm Prague.
On my first night there I went to a small gay club called Prague Saints and met some really nice gay guys. The club is run by a gay travel agency so there was only one Czech there although view all seemed to live I'm the city more or less permanently.
The second day I did what I always do in a city with free tours - I went on a guided tour of the city. After that I met Niklas and he's girlfriend, who also was vacationing in Prague, for a beer and some Absinth tasting.
On the train home I ended up in a cabin with five Scottish guys who I think was more drinking there way through Europe than tiny were interrailing. It was nice though and if you're on Facebook you might be able to see me in their vlog soon.
Right now I'm in Vienna visiting Lina whom I got to know when she was living in Stockholm. She's spent the entire day today showing me the city and tonight she made vegetable strudel for dinner.
I'll write more about Vienna in another post.
So long for now.
Friday, 1 July 2011
New journeys
Yesterday I left Sweden for a few weeks of interrailing and right now I'm in Prague trying to figure out what I want to do tonight.
The train from Berlin followed the Elbe a bit and the scenic view was absolutely amazing and after passing over to the Czech side of the border it slowly changed to something that looked like the Swedish west coast.
My room just got invaded by a French group which makes me feel that it's high time to start looking for somewhere to have dinner.