Saturday, 17 April 2010


I've been home for five days now. The interview went great and my stomach is back to normal so all that's left to do is to figure out how to countinue my vacation.

The plan was to take a plane to Vienna this weekend and continue the trip from there. Unfortunately the ashes from Eyjafjallajökull is still keeping most planes on the ground. I'm hoping I'll be able to get down to Copenhagen and find a bunk on a nighttrain to the southern parts of Germany. They seem a bit crowded, but I should be able to get a ticket for monday when things have calmed down.

I'll write more as soon as know what happens.


  1. Hoppas du kommer iväg!! Det ser ju inte så ljust ut med tanke på askmolnen...! Du kanske ska tänka dig att lifta istället?? Nej förresten!! Gör inte det!! Det finns så många pervon där ute!!! Ha det så bra!! //Anneli.

  2. I wouldn't take a chance like that. I'd book a bunk on a train.
