Sunday 17 July 2011


Det här bloggandet går ju inte alls bra. Kanske borde jag sänka ambitionsnivån lite?
Jag lever i alla fall och befinner mig i en polares lägenhet i Wien. Vad som hände innan det får jag se till att berätta lite om när jag kommit hem igen och då får ni se bilder med.
Imorgon tar jag natttåget till Rom där kärlekens kusin pluggar Italienska. Jag bestämde mig för att ta in på ett hotell som var lite dyrare än vandrarhemmen men som i gengäld har gratis AC på rummet.
På fredag eftermiddag landar jag på Stockholmen igen.

Monday 4 July 2011


I'm trying out a new Blogger app. I don't seem to be able to create any form of layout so I'll just post a bunch of random pictures from my days I'm Prague.

On my first night there I went to a small gay club called Prague Saints and met some really nice gay guys. The club is run by a gay travel agency so there was only one Czech there although view all seemed to live I'm the city more or less permanently.

The second day I did what I always do in a city with free tours - I went on a guided tour of the city. After that I met Niklas and he's girlfriend, who also was vacationing in Prague, for a beer and some Absinth tasting.

On the train home I ended up in a cabin with five Scottish guys who I think was more drinking there way through Europe than tiny were interrailing. It was nice though and if you're on Facebook you might be able to see me in their vlog soon.

Right now I'm in Vienna visiting Lina whom I got to know when she was living in Stockholm. She's spent the entire day today showing me the city and tonight she made vegetable strudel for dinner.
I'll write more about Vienna in another post.

So long for now.

Friday 1 July 2011

New journeys

Yesterday I left Sweden for a few weeks of interrailing and right now I'm in Prague trying to figure out what I want to do tonight.

The train from Berlin followed the Elbe a bit and the scenic view was absolutely amazing and after passing over to the Czech side of the border it slowly changed to something that looked like the Swedish west coast.

My room just got invaded by a French group which makes me feel that it's high time to start looking for somewhere to have dinner.

Saturday 21 August 2010

What happened?!?

Well, as I suppose you all know, the ash cloud lingered on for quite a while. Fortunately spring decided to come early (yes April is early here) and I decided to take a trip to my family’s summerhouse. There I used up half the wood my dad had stored and managed to keep the house really warm and cozy even though there was snow on the ground one of the mornings I was there.

We don’t normally use much wood now days. When I called my dad to tell him I wouldn’t be doing anything involving an axe when I was all alone on an island with no idea about which neighbors might be around or not if something happened, he told me, with a bit of laughter in he’s voice, that he’d chopped that wood about ten years ago and that I was free to use it all up I wanted.

When I was younger there was always a fire in the stove at night, and hearing the crackling sound can give me wonderful flashbacks of early spring or autumn out on the island. Sometimes it makes me remember that year we had hail large as tennis balls, or at least that’s how I remember it, and sometimes it makes me remember how a cup of warm chocolate used to taste when I was little.

It’s a bit sad having had my entire vacation messed up like that but I’m just glad I didn’t get stuck somewhere I’ve never been before with no way of getting home and hostel prices skyrocketing. At least I was home and I did manage to have a really nice vacation after all.

Saturday 17 April 2010


I've been home for five days now. The interview went great and my stomach is back to normal so all that's left to do is to figure out how to countinue my vacation.

The plan was to take a plane to Vienna this weekend and continue the trip from there. Unfortunately the ashes from Eyjafjallajökull is still keeping most planes on the ground. I'm hoping I'll be able to get down to Copenhagen and find a bunk on a nighttrain to the southern parts of Germany. They seem a bit crowded, but I should be able to get a ticket for monday when things have calmed down.

I'll write more as soon as know what happens.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

@home for an interview and seeing a doctor

Except for a few shorter walks around Prenzlauer-Berg I didn’t see much of Berlin this time around. It was really nice to see J again though and I did get around to a little bit of shopping and trying Knödel for the first time.

Right now I’m back in Sweden. I landed yesterday and the goal is to leave again sometime during the weekend.

I met a doctor a couple of hours ago and ran a few tests I should be able to get the results of on Friday. He said that I probably won’t have any problems continuing my trip this weekend.

I also have an interview at a school I’ve applied to booked this Thursday. I knew when I left that I might have to make a short stop by Stockholm for this, but the timing is a bit amusing.

I noticed a slightly odd thing on my trip here. On the flight the crew presented the pilot with first and last name in Swedish, but only the last name in English. I can’t remember that happening before. They usually do the same thing in both languages. This was also the first time I’ve reacted on the pilots name being female. Do they expect people who doesn’t speak Swedish to have a greater problem with that than those who do?

Saturday 10 April 2010

In Berlin

I've been sick since Wednesday night. We had bought fish in a market and I suppose that was a bad idea... Well that or the raw beet juce, it's a bit hard to tell.
My plan had been to go to Utrecht on thursay, but I ended up doing Amsterdam for a few hours and then collapsing on the bed for the rest of the evening.
Yesterday I made my way to Berlin. The trip from Amsterdam to Berlin took seven hours and I ended upp falling asleep quite early again, but it's really nice being here. I know my way around, I know my host and I don't feel like I'm in the way. My host in Amsterdam did let me stay even though I said I could find a hotel instead, but it was a bit of a strain for her to have me in the house all the time.
My stomach has stabilized a bit, but I visited a pharmacy my host here in Berlin recommended today, and if I'm not better on Sunday I think I can stay a day extra to be able to go to a doctor.
I suppose I feel safe here which is really nice when you're sick.

Jag har varit sjuk sedan onsdag kväll. Vi hade köpt fisk på en marknad och jag antar att det var en dålig idé... Det eller juicen gjord på råa rotfrukter. Det är lite svårt att avgöra.
Jag hade planerat att åka till Utrecht i torsdags, men det slutade med några timmar i Amsterdam varefter jag kollapsade på sängen och sov resten av kvällen.
Igår åkte jag till Berlin. Resan to sju timmar och det slutade med att jag somnade ganska tidigt igen, men det är skönt att vara här. Jag hittar utan större problem, jag känner personen jag bor hos och jag känner inte att jag är ivägen. Min värd i Amsterdam lät mig stanna trots att jag erbjöd mig att ta in på ett hotell istället, men det var jobbigt för henne att ha mig hemma hela tiden.
Magen har stabiliserat sig en hel del, men jag var på ett apotek min värd här i Berlin rekommenderade idag, och om jag inte mår bättre på söndag tror jag att jag kan stanna lite till så att jag kan komma iväg till en läkare.
Jag antar att jag känner mig trygg här vilket är väldigt skönt när man är sjuk.